
Thursday, January 11, 1996

Kirkus Reviews reviews Richard Grayson's I SURVIVED CARACAS TRAFFIC

In its January 15, 1996 issue, Kirkus Reviews reviews Richard Grayson's I Survived Caracas Traffic:


With this issue, we're pleased to introduce a new fiction column, entitled, as you can see, "And in Briefer." It will be written by Bruce Allen, who will also select the works to be reviewed. The column will appear from time to time, enabling us to provide coverage of titles that, due to considerations of space, might otherwise be neglected. — Anne Larsen

Grayson, Richard
Stories from the Me Decades
Avisson (3007 Taliaferro Rd., Greensboro, NC 27408)

I Survived Caracas Traffic ($21.00; February 15, 1996; 144 pp.; 1-888105-04-6):
An eighth collection from an underground post-modernist who writes Barthelme-derived comic fiction crammed with details adopted from pop culture and the daily news. Troubled Barbie dolls, desiccated yuppies, and dysfunctional singles populate Grayson’s slick lampoons—though the long title story, a resonant meditation on the themes of relationships, AIDS, and mortality, proves him capable of less self-conscious, more serious (though not less comic) work.

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