
Saturday, February 20, 2010

INSIDE BARBARA WALTERS by Richard Grayson now available at Amazon Kindle Store

Richard Grayson's Inside Barbara Walters is now available at Amazon's Kindle Store for 99¢.

Here is the promo material for the 129-page $7.99 paperback edition from Art Pants Company:

How did a mischievous monkey rescue Barbara Walters from obscurity? Why did Whitewater prosecutor Ken Starr have lunch with a man the FBI thought was planning to kill him? What proposition did Bishop Fulton J. Sheen make to a teenage boy he met in a Manhattan supermarket? Who unexpectedly came to Donald Trump's assistance when the billionaire was in financial trouble? Why did Clarence Thomas's accuser Anita Hill give up law for the violent sport of roller derby? Which prominent surgeon got revenge on his worst enemy - by seducing her son and marrying her widowed mother?

The answer to these and even more fantastic questions can be found in the tantalizing tales collected in INSIDE BARBARA WALTERS by acclaimed short story writer Richard Grayson, author of LINCOLN'S DOCTOR'S DOG and THE SILICON VALLEY DIET. These stories originally appeared in the print magazines X: A Journal of the Arts, Willmore City, Maelstrom Review, and Aldebaran; and the webzines Yankee Pot Roast, Monkeybicycle, 3:AM, Storymania, and The Edward Society.

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