
Friday, March 12, 2010

DIARY OF A CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE by Richard Grayson now available at Amazon Kindle store

Richard Grayson's Diary of a Congressional Candidate is now available at Amazon's Kindle Store for 99¢.

The product description is taken from the Kirkus Discoveries review of a previous print edition of the material:
A witty campaign diary by a wannabe Congressman far too clever to ever be elected. In the spring of 2004, Grayson announced his bid to unseat the firmly entrenched Republican incumbent in Florida’s fourth Congressional district. Grayson’s long-shot run was made even longer by a number of factors: First, a South Floridian, Grayson had neither the time nor the money to travel to the Florida fourth, located on the Georgia border. Second, unable to afford the $9,000 filing fee, he could only run as a write-in candidate. Third, he was a gay, pro-choice, anti-war, anti-death-penalty liberal running for office in the state’s most conservative district. Grayson chronicled his efforts as a “mock-challenger” in a series of postings on McSweeney’s Internet Tendency website, and here he collects these postings in a slim, delectable volume. The author’s wry deadpan punctuates almost every entry. Funny and devastatingly incisive.

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