
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dan Wickett reviews Richard Grayson's HIGHLY IRREGULAR STORIES at Emerging Writers Network

Today, in continuing coverage of Short Story Month 2010 at Emerging Writers Network, Dan Wickett reviews a number of short story collections, including our own Highly Irregular Stories:

This book republishes four chapbooks originally published in the 70's and 80's. Grayson's books remind me of Stephen Dixon's to a degree. The main way that they do is that they are written in a style that is all his own and you're either going to love it, or wonder why others do. I fall into the love it category. The writing seems simple, but my personal guess is that it takes a huge amount of work on Grayson's part to get the writing to seem as such. Which should probably have me comparing him to somebody like Richard Brautigan. His stories are also funny as hell, leading me to realize that Richard Grayson really has nobody to be compared to - he's a unique writer and one with many books to take a flier on - this one was a really good one.

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