
Friday, May 14, 2010

Forty Years Ago Today in Brooklyn: May 14, 1970: Brooklyn College reacts to Kent State

From our diary:

Thursday, May 14, 1970

A cooler, cloudy day. I woke up late and when I got on campus, Steve Denker said to me that he saw my name on the masthead of the special offset edition of the
Spigot. Sure enough, Paul roped me into joining the staff.

I spent three hours typing up announcements for the next edition, which may or may not come out tomorrow. I lost track of the time and just made it to Miss Glikin's class. She said if we want better than a P, we'll have to do a paper on
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Then I had lunch at the Campus Coffee Shop with Leonard, and we went to see Prof. Levine. You can take a final if you want to - I'm undecided. The day seemed to go by so fast; when I came home after 4 p.m., I saw Bonnie on the porch and absent-mindedly said, "No school today?"

I started to write Mark [friend in National Guard basic training at Fort Polk, Louisiana] but there's so much to tell him. Joey Fisher was over today with his guitar, so apparently he's calmed down about fighting the hardhats.

The stock market hit a new low and Vietnam casualties hit an eight-month high.

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