
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday Evening in the Meatpacking District: Dinosaur Feathers opens for The Antlers at Pier 54 (and is so good they blow the generator)

We were really tired this evening and need to get up at like 4 a.m. tomorrow, but we like Dinosaur Feathers a lot

(a friend introduced us to "Vendela Vida" - their song, not the writer) and we figured we'd go see them open for The Antlers at Pier 54 and call it an early night. Their music was so powerful that they blew the generator in the middle of a song maybe twenty minutes into what had been an incredibly good set at 7:47 p.m.

About twenty minutes later, someone managed to get the public announcement system going so the guy from Hudson River Park's RiverRocks series could tell us what was going on: A new generator was ordered once the old one was deemed unfixable, and it would take a while to get there. So people hung out, some plopping down,

others standing up, just enjoying the company of others, drinks, food, the sunset

and the cool breezes of the pier.

About fifteen minutes after that, Dinosaur Feathers gamely and gallantly used the jerry-rigged P.A. system to come back on and do what they could under difficult circumstances. Like on Apollo 13, nobody was sure if it would work at all.

It did! They still sounded amazing. Actually, and this will reveal once again our total ineptitude in judging sounds (we were always told we were tone-deaf), the weird makeshift sound system seemed to give an added richness to the usual radiance of Greg Sullo's voice on "Family Waves."

(Illustration by Meredith Leich at The New York Rockmarket blog)

We really have to hand it to Greg, Duck Zimmerman and Ryan Michael Kiley for being utterly professional.

They're first-rate musical artists and deserved better, but they rose to the occasion and performed "Fantasy Memorial" really well without drums and monitors and everything. For us, they didn't lose anything beautiful on it. Well, maybe a little but we're glad they were going to end with it. But then they were told to keep going for one more song, and they did a new one. Wowwee wowwee. A truck with flashing lights with the generator drove up on the side during it, and after Dinosaur Feathers got some well-deserved love,

people waited for The Antlers. If you want to see truly breathtaking pics of the bands, Amanda M Hatfield has her usual spectacular ones over at The Music Slut. This is what a brilliant professional can do in capturing a band during an unexpected interruption:

Or check out the always-terrific concert photos of Tear-n Tan at their blog.

Anyway, we were tired and happy and still older than most other two people here combined, so as much as we wanted to see The Antlers, our body was shutting down and we were too tired to get rid of the chartreuse line at the bottom of our pathetic cell phone pic.

So we walked across 14th Street, passing joyful dancing and music at Sunset Salsa at the triangle at Ninth Avenue

to the L train back home to Lorimer Street, our blood pressure medicine, and bed.

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