
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday Night in Williamsburg: Prince Rama's UTOPIA = NO PERSON VHS Release Party at Monster Island Basement

We walked down Metropolitan Avenue to the river this evening to drop in at Monster Island Basement

for the release party for Prince Rama's UTOPIA = NO PERSON VHS release party. Fans of Prince Rama since back when they were formerly formally Prince Rama of Ayodhya, we called Michael Collins (who's left the band) and the sisters Taraka Larson and Nimai Larson an "incredibly talented trio" last year.

So now they're a dreamy duo. Rozalia Jovanovic wrote on Flavorpill,

In fulfillment of their residency at Issue Project Room, psychedelic pop band Prince Rama have created a cult known as THE NOW AGE, through which they explore music as ritual and the connection between music and utopia. For UTOPIA = NO PERSON, the first of three installments, Prince Rama designed an "exorcise" regimen and led groups of participants through rituals to shed psychic demons by virtue of physical exhaustion, and multimedia performances.

Prince Rama, "15 Minute Exorcise" VHS preview from Impose on Vimeo.

They now launch the VHS of their first performance, and the eighth installment of the Impose cassette series, which includes an instructional exercise VHS produced by Julian Bozeman of Quiet Hooves. This is a must have for those Prince Rama fans who want to party with NOW AGE cultists and exorcise their demons — with headbands, skulls, and tinsel — in the quiet of their own home.

Also on hand tonight were talented weirdos (and we mean that as a compliment) from Quiet Hooves;

Bubbly Mommy Gun;

the noise-rock duo Mugu Guymen;

and the Japanese psychedelic duo Pikacyu-Makoto: Kawabata Makoto (from Acid Mothers Temple) on guitar and Pikacyu (from Afrirampo and The Cosmic Inferno on drums and vocals).

There were any number of cooler-than-us people there, but we are happy to have the entrancingly trancy Prince Rama (who are heading for Europe for their tour tomorrow)

giving us this VHS exorcise tape to join the old 1990s videos from Classical Stretch, Body Electric, and Priscilla Patrick's Yoga we already work out to.

Sat Nam!

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