
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday Night in Williamsburg: SummerScreen Rained Out at McCarren Park

Although we waited until the quick monsoon passed to leave our house and found a rainbow over McCarren Park, we were disappointed to find that tonight's SummerScreen was canceled due to the rainstorm, and we heard, some equipment damage.

People were still around, though.

Vitamin Water was being sold at highly discounted prices, and so was some food. The contents of freshly ordered pizza boxes were being eaten standing up.

SummerScreen's hard-working intrepid photographer would not be affected by a mere thunderstorm.

We think he should be paid a bonus for tonight.

The Iranian band, YEllow Dogs, whom we had been excited to get to see perform, have faced a lot worse in Tehran.

When a cop bicycles over to a band there, they usually don't have the good intentions of this member of New York's Finest as the band packed up.

Some people abandoned drenched blankets. We are so old and cheap that the thought crossed our mind that we could take some over to the Metro Community Laundromat dryers, but nah, we're not that old and cheap.

So we walked home with some Vitamin Water and our trusty umbrella. We were grateful to hear that Wayne's World has been rescheduled for August 17.

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