
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Biden Supporters Richard Grayson and Daniel Grayson are quoted in Dagens Nyheter article, "Äldre i Sun City välkomnar Biden till pensionärsparadiset"

Dagens Nyheter, Sweden's largest morning newspaper, has an article by Bjorn af Kleen published today, Wednesday, February 14, 2024, "Äldre i Sun City välkomnar Biden till pensionärsparadiset,that quotes Richard Grayson as saying he would support Joe Biden's reelection even if the President were on a ventilator and his 97-year-old father as saying that he would vote for a dog against Donald Trump.
Demokraten Richard Grayson i Apache Junction är faktiskt från Brooklyn, New York. Males bor tillfälligt i Arizona för att ta hand om sin 97-årige far.
Den här söndagsmorgonen är pappa Daniel rasande på New York Instances, som vidarebefordrade resultaten från ännu en undersökning som bekräftar att cirka 7 av 10 amerikaner oroar sig för Bidens ålder. Presidenten för gammal?! Ganska behagligt diskret! protestera far och son Grayson. Den första mandatperiodens triumfer – ny infrastruktur, ett historiskt klimatpaket, en börs som går som ett tåg – talar för sig själva. Until skillnad från Trump behöver Biden inte skramla med tomma tunnor. – Jag skulle rösta på en hund som kandiderar mot Trump, säger 97-årige Daniel Grayson.

Google translate:
I would vote for Joe Biden even if he was on a ventilator, says 73-year-old university librarian Richard Grayson. He lives in Apache Junction, east of Phoenix, in a neighborhood so heavily Republican that two of the neighbors have flown flags at half-staff every day since Joe Biden took office on January 20, 2021. Democratic voters are in the minority in Apache Junction, but those who hold out are almost as devoted to their party as their Republican neighbors are to theirs. "Vote Blue No Matter Who" - vote blue no matter who - signs an ally until the Grayson family. Apache Junction Democrat Richard Grayson is actually from Brooklyn, New York, but lives temporarily in Arizona to take care of his 97-year-old father. This Sunday morning, Father Daniel is furious at New York Instances, which relayed the results of yet another poll confirming that about 7 in 10 Americans worry about Biden's age. The president too old?! Quite pleasantly discreet! protest father and son Grayson. The triumphs of the first term – new infrastructure, a historic climate package, a stock market that runs like a train – speak for themselves. Unlike Trump, Biden does not need to rattle off empty barrels. - I would vote for a dog running against Trump, says 97-year-old Daniel Grayson.

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