
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday Evening in Williamsburg: Opening Reception for "Ocean" by Cook & Gates at Live With Animals

This evening we had the pleasure of going to Live With Animals

for the opening reception of Ocean, an installation by the local artists and fashion designers Cook & Gates,

known for their luscious, unique hand-dyed canvas bags and pouches.

Here Ethan Cook and Sara Gates expand on their process and create a whole environment incorporating dyed canvas, organic found material, sound, and limited edition bags for sale.

On such a gloomy day, it was jolting to enter the gallery and feel the environment change so abruptly, like at the end of Un Chien Andalou.

The beach created -- we wonder where they got such beautiful sand, better than we know from the beaches on the south shore of Long Island and the city --

is far more intriguing than our blurry-crappy cellphone pics could possibly convey. What we liked most about it was that it was too profound to be whimsical or "ironic"; we're just not articulate enough to say why.

Live With Animals
, open Saturdays and Sundays from 1-6 p.m. or by appointment, is an artist-run gallery, is at the corner of Kent and Metropolitan Avenues, in the same complex as Monster Island, where we were a few nights ago.

Having papers to grade and a final exam to give tomorrow (yes, college is now on Sundays, too), we didn't get to stay as long we would have liked and so plan to come back to see Cook & Gates' Ocean again. You need to go to see it for yourself.

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